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Associate Professor, Coordinator of the Master 2 PROMU - Programmation, projet et management urbain (Planning, Projects and Urban Management).

Research Unit: Laboratoire Techniques, Territoires et Sociétés - LATTS.


Urban development - Legal and financial instruments of urban planning and development - Public land and real estate - Land rent - Comparative methods - Geographical areas: France, Italy, Brazil.


Félix Adisson's research focuses on the organizations and policies of public landownership as well as on the relationships between austerity and financialization and their effects on urban governments and urban spaces.

His personal page on the website of the LATTS.

Some publications:

  • ADISSON Félix, BARLES Sabine, BLANC Nathalie, COUTARD Olivier, FROUILLOU Leïla et RASSAT Fanny Rassat (dir.), Pour la recherche urbaine, Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2020.
  • ADISSON Félix, et GUIRONNET Antoine, "Production urbaine. Les approches d’économie politique", dans BOGNON Sabine, MAGNAN Marion et MAULAT Juliette (dir.), Urbanisme et aménagement : théories et débats, Malakoff, Armand Colin, 2020, pp.165-179.
  • ADISSON Félix & ARTIOLI Francesca, "Four types of urban austerity: Public land privatisations in French and Italian cities", dans Urban Studies, vol. 57, issue 1, 2020, p. 75-92.