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Students Associations

© V. Trotignon, L. Martin dit Neuville, S. Loizeau et L. Bousquet / BDE EUP, 2019.

The Paris School of Urban Planning (EUP) hotsts and fosters several students associations.

Bureau des Étudiants de l'EUP (BDE EUP)

The Paris School of Urban Planning Bureau des Étudiants is an association (under French law of 1901) authorized by both the UPEC and Université Gustave Eiffel. It was created in September 2014, when the IUP (Institut d'urbanisme de Paris) and the IFU (Institut français d'Urbanisme) both moved into the Bienvenüe building.

Roles of the BDE EUP
Acting in collaboration with the other associations, the administrative and educational teams of the EUP, the BDE EUP has three main missions:
▪ Circulating information among students
▪ Organising student life through a combination of cultural, sports and festive activities to facilitate the integration of students and improve cohesion within the School
▪ Supporting professional integration through actions and events that maintain the relations with the world of work, especially through contacts with the former students.

The BDE EUP’s means mainly lean on the subscription fees from its members, which condition the level of the activities offered each year. Members can enjoy benefits on all the activities offered by the BDE EUP and have a voting right during the association’s general meetings.

Any EUP's student can subscribe to the BDE. The contribution fee was set on the school year 2014-2015 to €12.

The BDE EUP is managed and animated by students. Among the members, anyone who wishes can become an active member if they get involved in a specific field (communication, event organisation, school life, cultural information, etc.) or for a one-off project. All active members are associated with the important decisions made for the association. The association is managed by an executive committee that is renewed every year in the middle of the school year to allow an easy transfer of responsibilities from one school year to the next.

Follow them on:

→ bde.eup[a]

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Junior EUP UrbaConseil

Website of the Junior EUP UrbaConseil

Follow them on:

→ JuniorEUP.UrbaConseil[a]

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EUP Alumni

Created in 2015, the Alumni Association now has more than 7 000 urban planners in professional activity.

The EUP ALUMNI operates on a voluntary basis and reciprocal exchanges between its different members. The contributions and donations collected will allow the association to pursue its objectives in accordance with the statutes adopted at the general meeting.

Roles of EUP Alumni
▪ Capitalize on feedback from working professionals
▪ Serve as a gateway for the orientation and professional integration of young graduates
▪ Encourage activities that bring added value for the whole community (meetings, debates, conference, etc.)

→ alumni.eup[a]

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ASHEUP (Association for humanitarian support of the Paris School of Urban Planning).

Website of ASHEUP

Follow them on:

→ association.asheup[a]

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